In the first full episode of my new podcast ‘Find Your Magic’, I’m comin’ to you from my childhood bedroom to tell you the story of why I decided to leave behind my successful career as a Hollywood actress to found my own company that helps entrepreneurs find their authentic voice and build their dream businesses.
It all started on New Year’s Eve 2017…I was recently single, just laid off, and about to move into my first “big girl” apartment (read: I was completely financially responsible for all my bills for the first time in my life).
So I did what any self-respecting Millennial would do: I went and had a good long ugly cry on the bathroom floor. Then; I got down to business.
This is the story of how I went from an unfulfilling but glamorous career (see Stanley Tucci in “The Devil Wears Prada” saying, “a million girls would KILL for this job”) to a fierce freelancer, to a bonafide business founder pulling in 6 figures doing what I LOVE.
Make sure to STAY TUNED UNTIL THE END of this episode because I’m sharing 3 of my favorite actionable copywriting tips that you can take away and implement on your own website for an instant boost of traffic and conversions. Because, ahem – *pushes imaginary glasses up ridge of nose* – entrepreneurs who invest in copywriting see 300% better traffic, connections and conversions than those who don’t.
Are you ready to see some magic happen in your own business? Then hit play already, why dontcha?!
Shameless plug: It REALLY helps me out when you subscribe & leave us a review on Apple Podcasts! Much appreesh.

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