
Try the platform that saves me THOUSANDS a year for free for a whopping 30 days!

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Want the EXACT email copy I used to land a huge brand partnership without ever having pitched a brand before? Open up!

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The most actionable podcast interview I’ve ever given on email copywriting tricks & more! My episode of Beyond Influential with branding expert Brittany Krystal.

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After two years using Mailchimp as my email provider, I switched my list over to Kajabi. Here’s why I made the move, what I miss about Mailchimp, plus which email service is right for you & your business.

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Your email list is the #1 most important thing you should be focusing on in your business. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT BUSINESS YOU’RE IN. Your email list should be Priority Numero Uno.

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Sales happen in your inbox, not on your website. (Don’t believe me? Read this post for the statistics!) But for your email to be successful, people need to open it first! Here’s exactly how to write subject lines that get people to click “open”, every single time.

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