Lol…”guru”! Pass the palo santo and sage…Ohmmmmm
Last week I got featured on a social media marketing site and they called me a “copywriting guru”. It’s very flattering (I will take that compliment, thank you!), but I also feel super weird about it. Here’s why…
So, this is really hard to admit…but I’ve been dealing with a lot of self-doubt lately. It started a few weeks ago when I made a public announcement that I was going to launch my new website on April 1st.
And…I did it. To the “outside world” I successfully hit “publish” exactly one week ago on April 1st.
But I was NOT ready to hit publish.
Honestly? I still don’t feel “ready” for this.
And I certainly don’t feel like a “guru”.
I’m sharing these feelings of self-doubt with you because too often social media is a highlight reel and NOT a behind the scenes look at what’s really going on. Being an entrepreneur is hard. Yes, there are ways to make the road clearer and easier (like these free resources that can help you grow your business!), but at the end of the day, it’s still WORK.
Now, I’m always going to be your #1 cheerleader encouraging you to take the leap and follow your dreams! You ABSOLUTELY CAN start, run, and grow a successful online business. But I do think it’s important to share the vulnerable moments and show that if you’re struggling, you’re not alone.
Here’s a behind the scenes peek at what’s been goin’ on…
Fully launching this copywriting business MAGIC WORDS has been an emotional roller coaster. Beyond the difficulty of actually getting said business off the ground, I had made this public commitment that I’d have a shiny new website launched and ready on April 1st.
I had the best of intentions. I was motivated, inspired, and armed with a wealth of new knowledge (I’m currently enrolled in Marie Forleo’s B-School; shoutout if you’ve done it!). I was so excited to finally make the full-time commitment to helping people use words to achieve their dreams.
And yet…
I ran into wall after wall trying to build this site. Every day it was some new thing that went wrong: a bug in my hosting platform, problems transferring my blog content, an issue with claiming my g-suite (still haven’t been able to fix it), and a faulty SSL certificate that literally blocked people from seeing the site even when it WAS live (didn’t even know what an SSL certificate was a week ago)…
The whole process felt like two steps forward, five steps back. I was a mess.
I got really sad. I got really frustrated. I definitely yelled some choice strings of expletives at the internet Gods.
But through it all, I kept remembering WHY I’m doing this.
I’m doing this because I LOVE helping people feel heard and empowered. I love being able to give someone the tools to grow their business or their influence so they can go after their BIG, scary dreams.
So, on April 1st, even though I was full of self-doubt, even though there were still a bunch of things I wanted to fix and improve, even though I didn’t feel “ready”…I hit publish.
I wasn’t ready, and I did it anyway.
Because here’s the truth: If you wait to feel “ready”, you will be waiting forever.
There’s still a lot of work to do, but I feel so much closer to where I want to be. I have some REALLY exciting things planned…
…A social media starter kit for those who need practical, kind, easy-to-understand help.
…An e-book to help you use copywriting tricks to find your creative voice.
…A video series of interviews with other entrepreneurs who are making magic, just like you.
…And what I’m most excited for: An online copywriting course that will help you think like a copywriter and feel empowered EVERY time you sit down to write something for your business; whether it’s your website, your bio, your marketing emails, whatEVER. ( Sign up to be alerted when Copy Class goes live !)
The road ahead is a long one, but it’s the only road I want to go down. I’m honored that you chose to be in this community of Magic Makers with me…I promise you I will ALWAYS be real with you as I build my business right alongside you.
Thank you so much for checking out this new site of mine. There’s a TON of free resources up here on starting, running, and growing your online business. And hey, if you have a friend who could use some of this stuff, please share and spread the love!
With a seriously grateful heart,
XO Kelsey