Divorce (or any other large, difficult, transformative life moment) can be the best thing that ever happens to you. Why? Because it forces you to split open, be vulnerable, and get real about your priorities and boundaries.
Sometimes it takes a tragedy, or a “perceived failure”, for us to clarify what’s truly important and fulfilling to us at the end of the day, both in life and in business.
In fact, one of the most life-changing and empowering pieces of business advice I ever got was:
“Don’t be a company with a mission. Be a mission with a company.”
What does that mean? It means your mission should come first before your bottom line. Your passion should be at the forefront of everything you do. Your life’s purpose should be the reason you’re reaching out to people, not just asking them to buy stuff. If you can be a mission first and a company second, people will want to support you, and you will be successful.
Rejoy Marsella’s mission is loud and clear: EMPOWER WOMEN!
(& infuse the world with positive messages while you’re at it).

Rejoy started her eco-friendly candle company with the idea of sharing positive messages during a time of darkness, both in her personal life and in the world (it was around late 2016 when there was a lot of unrest in our country). She started her business with the intention of offsetting some of that darkness in the world, and it has paid off!
Watch as we talk about embracing our emotions, softness, and feminity as our personal and business SUPERPOWER (rather than a weakness/liability) and learn how you can, too!
Because no matter what business you’re in, no matter what tragedy has befallen you in life, if you continue to show up in love and with purpose, you WILL be successful.
Find Your Magic is a series of conversations with successful female entrepreneurs, experts, and friends about what it’s really like to do what you love.
We talk about the experience behind the scenes (and behind the Instagram filters!) of starting and running your own company. It’s important to me to dive deep into the emotional journey of it all, in addition to sharing traditional business advice.
If you’re interested in watching more episodes, be sure to SUBSCRIBE by clicking the red “subscribe” button on my YouTube channel HERE!
Thank you as always for supporting the positivity and sense of belonging I’m trying to bring to this crazy world of the internet! I’m crazy, stupid grateful for you.
XOXO, Kelsey
PS- Support Rejoy’s candle company HERE: http://www.rejoyliving.com or check out her Instagram HERE.
Her candles are made with 100% eco-friendly ingredients, PLUS a portion of proceeds go towards programs that educate and empower women!
Also, because you’re awesome for reading this far, you can use code FINDYOURMAGIC at checkout on rejoyliving.com for 15% off your order!