No such thing as “overnight success” with Eddie Liu, star of the CW’s ‘Kung Fu’

Magic Makers, meet my friend Eddie. Eddie is very fancy and famous these days (I’m not kidding, he’s kind of the star of TWO freaking hit TV shows right now). Even though he’s had an incredible year and seems to have rocketed to stardom “out of nowhere”, this conversation is a reminder that there’s truly no such thing as overnight success.

It’s been an absolute honor to watch Eddie’s career blossom as his friend, knowing what a wonderful heart he has. In this episode, you’ll hear how Eddie and I met “in the trenches” as actors in Hollywood trying to catch a break, his history of coming “so close” to the roles he wanted so many times, his experience as an Asian American actor and his hopes for a more inclusive and peaceful future.

We talk about…

  • our struggles with scarcity mindset,
  • overcoming perfectionism & procrastination as creative entrepreneurs,
  • learning not to compare ourselves to others,
  • and how we stay sane while we wait for the miracle.

More than anything, this conversation is about staying focused during difficult seasons – on your passions, your values, your work, and your mental health – so that you can be ready to excel when opportunity presents itself.

There’s no such thing as overnight success…success is the result of a series of small choices to turn towards the life you want to live. We have to find ways to be happy in the everyday process and difficult seasons, otherwise we’ll never be happy when we get what we asked for.

Please support Eddie by watching the first season of ‘Kung Fu’ on the CW – all episodes are now streaming on the (free!) CW app. (Also, it’s actually a REALLY good show and I’m not just saying that because he’s in it. I ended up bingeing the whole thing).

And hey, if you wanna support this podcast, leave us a nice review on apple podcasts, wouldja? It helps send a message to the nice folx at Apple that people like what we’re sharing and want to hear more! Thank you for real, for real!

Connect With Eddie:

Watch Season 1 of ‘Kung Fu’ for free:

Eddie’s Instagram: