Pick ONE duck.


I have “ducks in a row” syndrome and I’m betting you do, too.

“Ducks in a Row” syndrome is when someone asks you: 
– When are you launching your website?
– When is your course going live?
– Are you still planning on applying for speaking gigs?
– Have you started that blog yet?
– Or any form of, “have you done the thing you said you were going to do”?

And your answer is:
Soon! I’m just getting my ducks in a row.

Here’s the thing:
Our ducks will never be in a row.

Sometimes, you just gotta gather up what you’ve got and cross the freaking street, you know?!

Waaaay too often we use “getting our ducks in a row” as an excuse to procrastinate doing the thing.
How to fix this? –> Pick ONE duck, and carry it across the street.

Stop trying to do everything all at once.
Pick up one duck at a time and get it where you want to go.
(This is very hard for perfectionists to hear, I see you over there).

It’s really difficult when you envision what you want your business to be and you’ve got it all pretty and mapped out in your head and you simply cannot freaking do it all because you are one (delightfully imperfect) human being and you’re still learning.

So give yourself a break and pick ONE thing that’s most important in moving you forward towards your business goals.

Based on the data this will probably fall under one of two categories:
– Making sure you have a website that sells
– Starting/growing an engaged email list

If you need some free resources and tips on how to do that, there’s a bunch of helpful downloads on my freebies page.

You can also send me an email at hello@kelseyformost.com any time with questions re: your personal ducks! I’m here for ya, kiddo.