!! HAPPY DANCE !! I got quoted in the Work & Money section one of my all-time favorite publications yesterday: Refinery29!
Refinery29 has long been a respected online source for fun and modern advice, news, women’s health, and essays. I’m thrilled to be featured in a new article by Cait Munro:
Is Instagram the New Business Card? Or Are We Just Being Obnoxiously Millenial?
The article explores different perspectives about WHY Instagram is seemingly replacing the once-necessary staple of a paper business card. One girl got caught without one and it almost ruined a job interview, others say business cards are wasteful and just end up getting lost or thrown away…
What do YOU think? Are business cards wasteful? Or are they a useful tool you need to network successfully?
My quote is below, but you can read the full article by clicking HERE.

By the way, my first ( EVER!) press placement was a few short months ago in May. Since then, I’ve been able to get placements in 7 publications and podcasts, each time upping the game to bigger and more recognizable platforms. If you’re interested in knowing how I did it (with ZERO experience or knowledge of “the right way” to pitch press) stay tuned because I’m going to be releasing a mini-training video about it!
As always thank you guys for all your love and support. I truly have the BEST community of magical beings around me on and off line!
XO, Kelsey
PS- If you don’t already have it, be sure to download your copy of my super helpful freebie: 3 Copywriting Tricks to 3X Your Profits!