Recently I was in a yoga class where the teacher kept saying the words “welcome back” every few minutes. His idea was that hearing that phrase would interrupt your thoughts and bring you back to your body. It drove me NUTS, but dang was it effective. Every time I started thinking about my to-do list […]

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Try the platform that saves me THOUSANDS a year for free for a whopping 30 days!

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I wrote one of these “launch learnings” posts earlier this year and broke down everything that worked, what I wanted to try on the next launch, and what I wish I’d done differently. Launching or re-launching an online course is a super interesting experiment that shows you how well you know your ideal customer. This […]

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Thinking about launching a new course or product (or re-launching an existing offer)? Here’s EVERYTHING I learned from my most recent launch of my signature course. Steal my successful strategies and learn from my mistakes!)

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Experts say THIS ONE THING gives you a much better chance of keeping and improving your job, career, or business.

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Experts say if you’re worried about your job or you want to make more money, you should do this one thing…

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