FANGIRL MOMENT! This week I was a guest on my favorite-ever podcast: Cash Is Queen! Here’s a minute-by-minute breakdown of the ep. so you can either listen all the way through, or skip to the part you MOST want to hear!

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If one more person tries to bully me into buying their sh*t, I’m gonna lose it. It’s not effective. It’s not helpful. It’s gross. Here’s why…

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Use these 6 tricks to re-frame the meaning of “expert” and move from feeling like a fraud to seeing yourself as having something valuable to contribute.

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For months I was pitching press and all I heard was crickets in my inbox. Until I started using this copywriting trick- which just landed me my first placement in Business Insider.

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Just when we think we’ve got it figured out, that pesky instagram algorithm switches it up on us (again!). Don’t freak out when you hear the word “algorithm”… WHAT it is never changes. It’s HOW it works that shifts behind the scenes and impacts the effectiveness of our social media outreach & marketing. Lucky for you guys […]

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In my last couple posts, I’ve shared with you guys WHAT the mysterious Instagram “Algorithm” is and HOW it works.  In short: The Algorithm gathers information behind the scenes as you use Instagram, keeping track of what you like, and boosting posts that are the most likely to generate engagement. Basically, it’s constantly curating your feed so […]

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