In a totally surreal fan-girl moment, I was just a guest on my personal favorite podcast, “Cash Is Queen: The Podcast for Female Entrepreneurs“!
Here’s a story about why you should nerd out and connect w people you admire on Instagram…
About 2 years ago I found this girl Nicole on Instagram. She had a law firm for women called Sprout Law which she had just pivoted into a second, more comprehensive business called, The Sprout Society.
I was SO into her badass, more casual approach to helping women grow their businesses. She also, like me, was doing a lot to try to shine a light on mental health issues for entrepreneurs. Soooooo, like any proper millennial, I started insta-stalking her.
What I didn’t realize until later was that we’d been insta-stalking each other for OVER A YEAR!
Cut to this spring when we finally met IRL for the first time and it was the best first “friend date” I think I’ve ever had. Since then, we’ve been each other’s go-to sounding board for biz advice and 90’s pop culture references.
This summer, Niki was a guest on my YouTube show: Find Your Magic (the show about what it’s REALLY like to do what you love), and just this week, I was a guest on Niki’s Podcast, Cash is Queen: The Podcast for Female Entrepreneurs!
As promised, here is a highlight reel/ minute-by-minute breakdown of what we talked about during the episode so you can either listen all the way through, or skip to the part you MOST want to hear!

** Cash Is Queen **
How to Write Copy That Sells, With Kelsey Formost
*I bolded the sections I think are the MOST helpful, if you listen to nothing else, start there first, k?? xoxo
2:34 – my “fun fact”! Niki always starts with an unrelated-to-business fun fact and this is mine…hint: it includes the quote, “Disney, but make it fashun.”
6:25 – What exactly is copywriting and how can it help you let your true self shine.
9:16 – Why I always work on “About” pages first
10:40 – How to lead readers through the “stages of awareness” (low awareness when they first visit- they don’t know who you are, but by the end they have high awareness of everything you do and represent!)
12:44 – How much more $$ can you make by investing in copywriting?
16:43 – the IMMEDIATE change you can make to your web copy RIGHT NOW that will increase conversions
19:11 – Your “value proposition” explained
26:38 – Sneak peek into COPY CLASS! Write like you’re talking to a thrid grader
27:03 – Where should you put your opt-in on your website?
29:50 – Why you should write how you talk
30:30 – How to know if you have too much copy on your website, plus a trick on how to fix it without hiring an editor
35:35 – Find Your Magic discussion and how to film your own stuff!
37:25 – Hollywood hacks I got from a decade in entertainment…on-camera tips so you always feel confident and look your best!
42:30 – A little more about COPY CLASS and why it’s really meant for people who hate writing.
There you have it!
I hope you get a TON out of this awesome episode of Cash Is Queen! If you’re so inclined, hit reply and let me know your favorite part/ what you found most helpful- I’d love to hear from you!
PS- If you don’t already have it, be sure to download your copy of my super helpful freebie: 3 Copywriting Tricks to 3X Your Profits!